
Economic Indicators Coming Up: Housing, oil and gas, and jobs

As of 2016, 62.9 percent of the world’s population owns a mobile phone and that trend is continuing to grow. In fact, the number of mobile phones is greater than the world’s population and that speaks how much influence these devices yield over its users. With the plethora of devices tracking and recording everything, there has been an influx of new data. More data is coming in than what can be processed and that presents us with an opportunity to mine rich insights.

Housing prices in Aberdeen, SK

We at Townfolio have been actively collecting data in an effort to help municipalities grow with data. With my new role as a data analyst, I am excited to say that we are improving the way we handle data to expedite its extraction and analysis.

Municipalities in natural resource-driven Provinces will greatly benefit from having drilling activity and oil well data available on their dashboards. Making oil production data easily accessible will help attract oil companies interested in exploration, extraction, and production. Wages and salaries from Jobs Bank Canada will also be included in future community profiles, allowing newcomers and business make better decisions about relocating to a new home.

Furthermore, users can soon be able to have access to real estate information, including prices, housing starts, and household sizes. Expect greater frequency of updates in the coming months as we build better a system of collecting and analyzing data.

If you would like to have other economic indicators available about your community, feel free to drop us a message here.